Thurple Thursday Morning

This morning I awakened and as I got dressed, I thought to myself,”Iit’s not waffle Wednesday, why am I putting on waffle? Too bad there’s not a material called ‘thurple’.

“Hey, that would be a good name for my app. ” Then I googled it and found very few results. This one stood out, because my app is about creating an identification space.

Then I said the word out loud. Then I decided it didn’t make sense. The search for a catch name continues. For now it is still eeCardinal.

Ten Commandments of MS SQL Database Administration

  1. Thou shall use no other databases before MS SQL.
  2. Thou shall not attempt to print thy database.
  3. Thou shall not assume thy databases are not corrupt.
  4. Thou shall perform DBCC and backups on the 7th day.
  5. Honor the query plan and statistics and keep it wholly in your mind at all times.
  6. Thou Shall not DELETE without a WHERE clause.
  7. Thou shall not commit thy transaction without isolation.
  8. Thou shall not unnecessarily transact with read isolation level uncommitted.
  9. Thou shall not say you have database security when you don’t know.
  10. Thou shall not transgress upon production bandwidth with maintenance task operations.