How to Refinish a Stubborn, Painted, Pine Floor

Years ago, when I was in the military, I had a furniture repair and refinishing sideline.  I grew up in a Victorian home and we rehabbed it, so I had about ten years of refurbishing experience when I graduated High School!

One of the best techniques I ever used to get ALL of the paint off of a piece was a wash.  I would actually take a hose to a piece, and use a softish nylon brush on it.  It raises the grain slightly, but a light sanding with 250 grit takes care of that. My advice to you would be to do the technique I mentioned with the plastic tarp and the remover, covering it for 30 minutes to 2 hours.  (Too long could damage the wood, my recollection it that I would test a piece first to see how much punishment it could bear.  Pine is softer, so tread carefully here.)

After that, squeegee it all up, suck it up with a wet vac, and then hit it with a carpet shampooer. Use a good one, industrial strength, no soap or anything, just the hot eater.  The whole process should go very quickly and not involve being on your hands and knees at all.

At the end of it, if you still have some colored tint left to the wood, I would suggest using a wood dye treatment that matches it.  Wood dye (not stain) will give it a uniform look, it will show off the grain, and it will last forever, and can be done in  a myriad of colors.  It should look really cool.

Woodcraft has an excellent search page that shows off the coloring capabilities of dye :